Cave de Lugny, "Les Charmes" Macon Lugny 2009 Wait £8.99 (less 20% at the Mo = £7.19) in store. 19/9/2011
2009 Vintage, so ripe nose. Not so green or clean = V.ripe fruit. Quite fat, and loads of texture - as noted above - you'd def. believe it has been slightly oaked. Mature fruit in bottle now, so a bit flabby and insufficient acidity perceived in the mouth at cellar temperature, but good harmony.
Serve this wine chilled, and that revs the wine up no end. Acidity comes up, oilyness subsides, and it is much more chirpy. Not bad at all. If you buy, drink up for Autumn suppers.
Ba - you may not approve - you may find a very minor band aid ole fabric sticking plaster note before the finish
_________________ Duncan