Duncan wrote:
GK wrote:
So your Chablis was a beautifully balanced one with very very light sweet oak - then ? I do love an good-un. Un oaked premier cru is quite rare. Please say more......If ya can remember anything ....
There's a tale behind this.....
When I first tasted this wine I was blown away by the shear brilliance of the style, whistle clean and pin sharp acidity, depth of flavour, like sucking chilled, freshly squeezed orange and grapefruit juice through a stainless steel straw. I immediately loved it. Clean Chablis? Obviously unoaked right? But there was something there, a slight yeastiness and a lingering hint of lemon thyme (im guessing, I couldnt put my finger on it).
So I asked the chap pouring (who just happened to be the guy who owns the place), Has this wine been oaked? Yes, says he. Wow thinks I, what integration, beautifully handled, I would have put money on this not coming within a hundred miles of an oak barrel.
I have just done a search and found several tasting notes on supplier’s sites listing this as an unoaked wine. So much for knowing your own wines!
Anyway it’s delish, here’s a pic-
The case I bought was of the '08, rumour has it, its a decent year for the region. Domaine Jean-Claude Martin.
Head is much better now, not drinking tonight though. We've just finished watching the new Star Trek movie, very good indeed, ya can’t beat a decent TV and a home cinema system. You can keep your over-priced, sticky cinema seats surrounded by chavs.