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 Post subject: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:29 pm 
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Location: Ibuprofen Bay Winery
Next Sat I am off for bi-annual dins with to an old pal & wife who are both into cooking and wine. I usually take 3 bottles. One as a suggested aperitif (which can be overruled), one to try at leisure (being something unusual that I've liked) and one for apres-grub attempt at 60's songs mit piano / guitar. He is a Cloudy Bay stalwart fetishist and I wanted an SB to compete. I reckon that MJ has pre-emptively, by pure coincidence, answered my question. Anyway, in the absence of the furtive JE 007, any advances on the Dourthe?

 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:15 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:05 am
Posts: 2835
Can you find out what's on the menu first? No point taking a subtle Sancerre if its curry night.

In my experience people are more likely to be impressed with a very good wine/food match than a fancy/expensive label. There's nothing worse than a taste clash over dinner, particularly if you paid for it.

Alternatively, go with the unexpected. How about a decent, lightly chilled dry sherry to kick start the evening? The Apostoles 30yo is fantastic, around £15 at Sainsburys & Waitrose- ... 0f7ada121a

It looks like this- ... GON3&w=150

 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:59 am 
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Thanks for the ideas, but it is not to go with the food. Mein host always provides the dins wines, and very good ones at that.
This is either for them to keep for Ron or to have after dins with music, and to compete with his favourite Cloudy.

 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:30 am 
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I was at the Waitrose tasting yesterday and if they're Winos and interested in weird then the David Nieuwoudt, Ghost Corner Semillon 2007, at £13.99 is astonishingly odd. I love it, but could never serve it to my moderately-wine-loving friends.

You probably don't have time to do Waitrose Direct or visit its 2 main branches, but the Doisy-Daene (ie Sauternes) Sec 2008 is the most beautiful wine I've had for a long time. £16.99. Depends if you like oaked Sauvignon.

They also have a dry furmint called Patricius from Hungary, at £9.99. Am pretty sure I posted a note about it.

Will get the kids to upload the notes asap. I only did white and fortified as am still a bit wobbly.

Have a great time.


 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 10:46 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:05 am
Posts: 2835
Not forgeting the Henschke Louis Semillon '05 if you can see it, the '06 is pretty good too. Around £14 at Waitrose.

 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:31 pm 
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Got caught out by megaWaitrose, Portishead. They close a 19.00. Managed to get the Henschke, a GV (on offer), and the Ch.Tour Leognan. Left the Sem and Rioja GR with hosts. Stopped off at farm shop on way home, 6 x-lge free-range eggs (with feathers), two lge vine toms, and a lge free-range gammon steak for brunch. See I do like my food.

 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:47 pm 
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Now, your shopping is interesting, and (in our house only) moderately funny. Pete was a very fussy eater and I am a complete omnivore. I'm only just tolerant of fennel but can eat it, but the ONE THING that I cannot stomach and which my children tease me about endlessly, is tomatoes on the same plate as egg.

It is JUST LIKE sick - my only phobia is vomit - and the two things together make me shudder. I am a strong, confident woman who fears nothing, but yellow and red on a plate is all wrong. It also goes for baked beans and scrambled eggs. Blah.

Please tell me you didn't eat them together.


 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:16 pm 

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baked beans and eggs are probably one of the best food combinations around. Fried egg (runny yolk and crispy edge to white) on toast with beans on top is awesome! scrambled egg and beans work too but better seperate.

Mel, can't believe you dismiss this combo ?! and the abuse you've give Mr Fussy this week ! :lol: Your kids have my blessing to continue with the teasing :P

anyway, back to the wine talk........

 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:33 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:05 am
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Luv fried toms, egg, bacon, toast. 'Tis what Sunday mornings were made for, best hangover cure going.

Whilst we're on the subject of battles, I took the little one to Bosworth today to see the battle exhibition where King Richard III lost his life and crown to Henry Tudor and thus the Tudor dynasty was born. She is studying the Tudors at school. Very interesting.

BTW- I live close to the field where the Staffordshire Gold was recently found, we watched them dig it up.

 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:43 pm 
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GK wrote:

BTW- I live close to the field where the Staffordshire Gold was recently found, we watched them dig it up.

So you didn't go rumaging around in the dig after dark, when the'd gone - GK - or did they have heavy security all round the plot ?

I can see you doing an Eddy and Joe Grundy - a Poachers mind-set- finders keepers.


 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:46 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:05 am
Posts: 2835
I was tempted Duncs but theres still Police hanging around the site. Besides, they've got everything out of that field now, but there are others.....

 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:28 pm 
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Am off to bed. Feeling to nauseous at all those clashing flavours on one plate.


 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:58 am 
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Come on now Mel, you must be able to manage rhubarb and custard

 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:14 am 
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Bacchus wrote:
Come on now Mel, you must be able to manage rhubarb and custard

Mel is an Omnivore - whilst I wont eat Mad Cow or Sheeps brains, unless I'm starving in the wilderness or such like at sea.

All this talk of v*m*t on Sunday night quite turned my stomach after supper - W'ell have no more talk of such - Please

Now this Red and Yellow business does not quite stack - does it ?

Suppose we have grilled Tomatoe slices on top of Cauliflower cheese (au gratin) or Tomatoe, onion and red pepper Quiche a Cheese and Tomatoe sandwich for heaven's sake.

I recon it is true if one were to poach an egg, French floating style , and then serve with Italian tomatoes - you could get a slight curdle on the plate when stabbing the egg - That's where Mel is coming from - Huh ?

Sorry Mel too graphic for you. Nuff Said


 Post subject: Re: Bottle Battle
PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:24 am 
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It's just egg and tomato. It curdles and tastes of you know what. All other mixtures are JUST FINE. The beans are in T sauce, hence the problem. Rhubarb and custard, delicious.

Poached egg on toast is one of my top comfort foods, particularly if the butter is very, very thick. I'd be happy to eat the tomatoes sep, with a little sip of water in the middle.

LOOK, IT IS THE ONLY THING I CAN'T STAND. It isn't a whole food group, such as fish, for example.

I'm off for a scale and polish. I know how to live!


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