Haut Medoc Claret - Right you are then:
2009 HM from Marks is hardly going to be poor. All over the left bank the wines are very agreeable when young. This claret is Cab dominated, I've not bothered to look up the bordelais proportions. I'll leave that to Ba - cheers mon ami
This property was awarded the Cru Artisan along with 39 other HM's who worked their magic in good vintages, and this grading, following on from the Crus Bourgeois sort out, that attempts to distinguish the over performers from the rest.
Yep, ripe cab cassis notes on this already, nice structure, good oak, a touch of interesting greeness at the mo, a fine garnet appearance, clearing and bright in the glass. A decent quality long cork, young cab nose, typical cigar box waiting in the wings, plenty of ripe fruit ensures that this little sweety will not dry out whilst you wait for more evo and harmony to develop.
Buy in the box for the 25% disco, drink one to check out, and then leave in your cellar for a bit. The mature Cru Bourgeois '09 clarets will be delicious early, as well as elegant ! This one is not that far behind.
Proper nice claret - can only get better. If you are a claret a week guy, For £8.99, get these in with many other good-uns about. The '09 cab in HM has loads of lift on the palate, a certain brightness in this.
I like this H-M