Bacchus wrote:
The local politburo has done one good thing in the last 35 yrs, being to spend a shed-load of wine tokens on massive interceptor drains.
Ba ......Care to dry them out with the tea bags on yur boiler ?
Wine tokens, not the spent ones, thank you very much ! Then send to me.
G - for U, that Con Sur sb sounds alright - better than a kick in the head at the next Swansea match - Eh ! £13.99 is a premium, but you can spend a lot more on indifferent stuff - So, you found-out with some pleasure, can't be bad.
Like the photo - is that the 'Brisssole' Channel ? You are on the balmy gentle side - very nice. The extra heavy ebb tides run, and swirl on the Somerset shores. I've done a couple of days dinghy sailing on the weather shore, heavy Souwest blow. Getting off the shingle is a nightmare - Mad - bust arms, bleeding feet, and for the privilege, you get a pasting for free - Duh.