Bacchus wrote:
It was in store. I was after some of the TF which was reduced and just happened to notice this. Weren't many there, and I only grabbed the one. None on the website. Suspect they were clearing out for the new vintage.
Yerrsrrsrsrs - I thought so. Infact you've been picking off a load of interesting straggellers and odd bits and pieces recently - Haven't you ! I do check on the bargains you've written about - And - can never find them on those prices. You've been scoring well.
I'd say you have been winning the "finders keepers bargey bin ends" recently - whilst GK, who has said nothing about Homewares Bargains is off sick with a mighty projectile and heaving bug.
Bristol is big enough and an interestig city - the only downside is that your arms are dropping off by the time you get them back to your lair. If you hunt around with a car, any saving is blown away by petrol and parking.
Am I right Ba ?
Enjoy them Ba.