Not much going on, can't tell the difference I think the guy who wrote the post for the '07, did the Freixenet a favour these days. TBF, the wine has reduced in price over the last decade, and to my mind, has deteriorated from the reputation it once had in the nineties.
Shez and Pont are spot on, and like P, I saw the "vintage" name on the label at Waitrose, but passed as you do. Cordon N is all made in the same year isn't it. I'd be surprised if any of those grape varieties are going to keep their interest in bulk stainless tanks from one year to another - are they Mr P.
Like Ba, the last one I bought, was the last. I'm sorry it's gone this way. The Freixenet company was taken over by GK's favourite claret negotiante
I'm sure we'd all be pleased if good ole Cordon Neg was back to something interesting. I think we all agree, there are now much better chardonnay fizzes from Chile for similar money.
Parellada is very thin, DYA on the Costa at 5C as I remember.