GK wrote:
Interesting Mel, let me have a think. The December dates are out for me as that's my 40th weekend, having a bit of a knees up. If I came down I would have to look for a local B&B, I dont drive after even one glass. BTW, you're brave

Well said GK. She's a great lass
Generous as well - Now I've just looked at the Calendar, and consulted with
management !
December does not suit me well either, as I have my youngest daughters 28th birthday on the week-end of the 5 & 6th and old friends booked for 13 & 14th, the next one after is the 20th and the run-up to Christmas.
So.... November is quite good at the moment. my Misses has friends in Stroud which she has not seen for yonks - So there is some co-ordination. But, she also has the dreaded OFSTED due in November, and as the head, she has to be extra prepared.
The Last week-end in November is favourite for me, and the 1st week-end is 2nd Favourite.
BTW - GK, when you hit 40, life begins, You are officially nominated to the Fine and Upstanding League of Gentlemen, those around you are now required to take notice

Blimey, was writing that reply when GK takes a pop