GK wrote:
have decided to drink my stock and enjoy my homebrew, HMRC can go swing, sick of seeing my taxes go to waste.
My vine is just coming into leaf, this could be its last year as we are having an extension built towards the end of the year, will try and move it and re-plant elsewhere, **the root-ball should still be quite small, what say you?
I started off 11 like that - The offers may be krap - what I have to prove, is that I'm not addicted to a deal.
** You dont get a root ball - it aint a suburban shrub.
The vine is young, you will find, and identify the tap root quite easily, It will go on and on if by the side of your house, so try and get most of it up, by following it with a fork to loosen the ground as you go. The roots on mine are pretty strong so it is not too much of a task, all the subsidiary roots off the tap, will be away from the wall at right angles, some of these will probably have to go if you have lawn along the side. It is a wet climate so the roots will not run too deep. Well they didn't here when I did the clay paviours and stuff near mine.
You plot sounds marvelous. I'm doing maintenance and improvements again - I've got some portland stone to mount on a back parapet and consider scaffolding for the high gables, that are peeling - Forth Bridge round here - I really hate NW UPVC