Quaffers' Offers

Great Site
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Author:  glenhb [ Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Great Site

This site is a great idea. The only gripe I have is that you don't include one of our favourite outlets for wine.
Roys of Wroxham have a number of outlets around the Norwich area. When we visit we are always amazed at the offers available and the choice.
We even find wines that are imported by firms close to our home but are unavailable locally

Author:  meljones [ Wed Jul 21, 2004 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Great Site

You know what the answer to this will be, I expect. Time. It may happen one day, when I can afford to employ someone to trawl through the smaller wine outlets, some of which are brilliant, but when it's just me I only have time for the big boys. Half an hour inputting Sainsbury's promotions reaches and satisfies far more people than the same time used for a small independent and time is short right now. Will keep the details and when things move forward will look into it.

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