Quaffers' Offers

Tesco Banner
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Author:  meljones [ Sun Mar 30, 2008 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Tesco Banner

You may have noticed a Tesco banner on the front page. This is an attempt to get a tiny amount of income for all my hard work providing you lot with ways of buying great, but cheap, wine.

I am absolutely not trying to persuade you to place orders with Tesco, or even just visit their site, but if you very easily might want to place an order with them, please consider doing it via MY banner, so that I get threepence, so that I can keep you Quaffers in Offers.

Also, it's their Wine Festival until 22nd April, so it is worth visiting their site, or the stores, because there are some ludicrous prices.

Author:  DB [ Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tesco Banner

I am unable to see the Tesco banner despite looking - have done so using both I.E and Firefox. Is there an explanation/remedy?

Author:  Pete [ Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tesco Banner

Well, as a Firefox user with a few "plugins", I was going demented when trying to get the banner working. Finally I remembered I use an "adblocker" in Firefox - I authorised the Tesco link and all was well ....
... note it's the whole line above, even if your browser doesn't underline all of it
There do seem to be addons that will allow you the same functionality with IE7.

How you authorise the link will depend upon which adblocker tool you use - assuming that's the problem. There's a decent article here http://www.tucows.com/article/1516 with screenshots to assist.

Of course, an adblocker may not be the problem. If you were just to paste the tradedoubler link (above) into the address bar in IE or Firefox, it should work regardless of adblockers and just display the banner - if it does, that's a pretty big pointer to a blocker.

If that doesn't fix it, I'm flumoxed!

Author:  Bacchus [ Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tesco Banner

Just found this, and it's 5 yrs old. I am certain that you have many grateful wine buffs willing to part with a few pennies. Why not create a donation (tips) basket??? I'm in if you do.

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