Quaffers' Offers

Welcome - and what "Site Issues" is about
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Author:  Pete [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Welcome - and what "Site Issues" is about

Hi - I'm Pete, Mel's husband. I help out with the technical bits, like changing web pages and setting up this forum. I also empty the dishwasher, but you probably aren't interested in that :roll:

If you find something on Quaffers' Offers that doesn't work, spot something inaccurate :( , don't understand how to use part of the site :? , or want to see things added or changed :idea: , here's the place to say so.

You can even post in this forum without registering. That way you can tell me if you are having a problem registering :!:

I may not use as many emoticons (these things :P :cry: :oops: 8) :( ) when I reply. I've used a lot in here just to illustrate how they can be used for those new to forums.

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