Bacchus wrote:
check 'custom install' and uncheck all the other boxes else it will shovel a load of krap in at the same time.
Exactly - that is correct.
Uncheck all the automatic updates, all of them ! Then pick the middle button, that advises you when an update is available. Then
you control the intall.
These wretched gremlins creep in when an auto download fails, and is then restarted by a Re-direct virus. JSredirect is a nasty piece of work. When you get a virus in svchost.exe, sys restore merely restores the virus. If using XP or Win7 you have to turn off the mirror (the restore folders) otherwise the thing is written in that folder when the sys saves your settings.
Good luck, I wish you the best of luck. I don't know any AV programme that can actually replace an infected DLL sys file with an original clean one in exactly the right place. They will repair data files of course.
Goose, I think you should invite Ba over for afternoon tea. More messing about with restore or deleting your current AV programme will mean that every time you go online to get a new version, you will go to that link where the virus is resident. A reconfig and rebuild will be necessary if you don't get a tech guy in soon.
As I say - Good Luck.