Quaffers' Offers

Heeeeey yoooou guuuys.....
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Author:  Shezza [ Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Heeeeey yoooou guuuys.....

Vav is back at Maj
Now is £8.99 after £6 off 2 bottles !!
Seems to increase a pound a year

Should I skip this and get Goldwater for a quid cheaper instead ?

Author:  Duncan [ Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Heeeeey yoooou guuuys.....

I'm gonna respond before Goose. He he matey - but he'll tell me that I only learn by other folk's trials and tribs.

I dont know VAV'11, Bob has not done Goldylocks '10. Bob gives VAV'10 a 91, the 2011 vintage a 90.
The 2011 MSB vintage was a tricky sucker by some of Bob's accounts, VAV have made the best of it at the price point - According to Bob - excepting VM Wairua valley reserve at £9.99.

My 3rd release / acquisition of Goldwater 10 drinks very similar to JE'10 which Bob gives a 90 and says classy. Both G & JE'10's have dried off ever- so-slightly, which is good. I'd say that G'10 was a tad more concentrated and a dash of grapefruit & pith than the JE of the same vintage. I quite like the extra Gft dimension - actually, which has subsumed unfortunately, the high points and lift of the earlier G'10 acquisition

My VAV'10 drinks like MSB should - The bench mark at the price.

If it were me.....
I'd buy some of the VAV10, 2 x VAV'11s to find out ! And a few G'10s for the difference.

I have a JE'10 open at the mo - lovely Sancerre mouth feel on a light dose of steriods, which makes up for minimal minerality.

This one on the tasting table at my Maj earlier this year & at Xmas fuffing lovely, but eighteen knickers Minerality and texture was :)

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