Damn, that blasted 14.5 is a pain in the preverbial.
The Chartreuse de Bonpas was 14% and a bit less grouty. But yes, I, We take your point entirely. Seems that down in the dusty ole Rhone valley when the fruit is ripe, the resultant Muste goes to 14.5 unless they stop it, in which case it can go a tad jammy - Compromise is not sought because New World folks are drinking 15% from parts of OZ
I did enjoy a 2005 Le Prestige D' Andre' Roux CdR Village from Laithy about three weeks ago with a great wine buddy of mine - he bought it. It was lovely with supper and only 13.5% and not sweet, but plenty of structure (not hard mouthed though GK)........But you may shudder at the price for what is a village rhone wine ! I don't know the money, but I was told it was extra dosh
Damn, another one goes into room 101 for you.