GK wrote:
I was on the Apostoles 30yo Cortado Sherry this weekend, with the few bottles of Wyre's Piddle in the Hole ale for good measure.
What ya fink of our pumpkin?
We placed a cystal light inside which changed colour every few seconds, the effect was incredible in the dark, very spooky...
The insides helped make a very nice pumpkin & leek soup.
We live on quite a few parallels GK, even though we don't have our kids here anymore, not since 2003 or so, we still carry-on the tradition. Your daughter looks very happy with the cutting out work
We had one the same size with three of those garden lantern candles inside, and local kids knocking on the door, but the last ones atl 10:30. I sent them away with sweets, when they said they were collecting money for charity - Duh ! Trick or Treat you lot
The proper kids came from 6:30 till 7:30 shortly after dark, sometimes with parents who waited on the pavement
Yesterday, we enjoyed wonderful creamy pupmkin soup made by Misses D for lunch as well as homemade Rye bred with carraway this time, and my 3yr grandson loved the pumpkin in the porch.
I cracked a fireside Haut Medoc 2003, that my 28yr daughter decided that she liked, even though she said she wasn't drinking, cos of Friday's party indulgence - Funny how they like the proper wines, even from age 21 or so