Quaffers' Offers

Wine 101
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Author:  Bacchus [ Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Wine 101

I feel that some of you quaffers are a little biased against certain labels. So, top (up to 10) to remove permanently from the shelves...

Author:  meljones [ Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wine 101

Two immediate rotters - no need to ponder - Las Moras Viognier and the Roo Bros Red.

The notes are in the search. Something about council block stairwells including the tab ends for the V and the Roo Bros is so unutterably sweet it shouldn't be classed as wine, but as confectionery.

Trying to list a couple of things on ebay, which is on a go slow. Pictures taking ages toload and then everything freezing. It's getting close to bed time. Want to be finished by half past. Ha!

Author:  GK [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wine 101

Anything from Kumala.

Cheap Gallo wines.

Oaked Chardonnay.

Reds over 14%, Whites over 13% Alc


Most Supermarket Claret.

Industrial Lager.

It can all go, I wont miss it.

Author:  Goosegogs [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wine 101

Things that need removing.

Wines from famous regions like Pouilly Fume/Bordeaux etc brought in by supermarkets to be sold for stupid money for one week only and then sold at half price. These wines are always complete and utter dross that bear no resemblance whatsoever to decent wines from these appellations and are a total rip off.

But they will never disappear as clueless consumers lap them up. I used to blame the wine merchants but it's the consumers who need shooting for being so easily ripped off.

That other South African label....Cape something.
Blossom Hill
Jacob's Creek
People who recommend Jacob's Creek
Oaked sauvignon
Chenin Blanc
Tasteless pinot noir
98% of Chilean sauvignon
Australian chardonnay...I mean what's the fuffing point of wine with 14% alcohol that tastes of wood.
Any South African wine brand that hasn't so far been mentioned
Sweet rose
Dark rose that has had far too much skin contact and just tastes like cheap sweet red wine
Oyster Bay
Villa Maria Private Bin.
People who drink Villa Maria Private Bin
Gewurztarminer from anywhere other than Alsace
Pinot grigio
Pink pinot grigio
Any Italian white wine under £10
People who stand anywhere near me in supermarkets and ask for any of the above
Wine writers who use the word verdant
Sancerre producers who charge Sancerre prices for their basic Touraine sauvignons
Lidl wines
The entire population of Swansea
Ocean's Edge Marlborough sauvignon blanc. I bought one , loved it, bought a case and all 6 were fuffing horrible.
Nobilo sb. Lovely nose and flavour but every glass turns to sweet apple juice after about 5 minutes.

Author:  Bacchus [ Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wine 101

So, no real opinion Goose, fairly neutral on the matter.


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