1999 was a 9.5 vintage in Chambertin. The 1999 Pascal Lacheaux 1er I had recently for £19.99 was heavenly. Get you friends over for an evening then sip ever so slowly as an apperatif or with expensive savoury patisserie.
This Louis Chavy version is a few notches off 1er Cru, but it is descibed as having the sweet & delicate fruit flavour that you want. The 1er versions also have beautiful (sous bois) dark berry and gentle woodland / truffle notes.
http://www.majestic.co.uk/find/product-is-03132I have yet to try it, but if in the extreemly rare event you don't like this Chambertin, you can always return it. Please be aware that if you buy a lot of this village wine - the end of 2010 may be the last drinking date for prime condition and fruit. If you like musty pinot, you could experiment, but not with my blessing