GK wrote:
Duncan wrote:
In my day - Sports, swimming, and billiard Clubs were free to under 18 teens, in fact a whole load of stuff was free or dirt cheap.
There's still plenty to do, the parks are there, the clubs are there, the voluntary groups are crying out for help.
Of course, none of its fashionable. It wont get you to the next level on Halo or get you on Big Bruv. Init.
Ok GK, ok - It is therefore expectation level. There is definitely something very wrong, particularly for kids who don't associate in typical middle class neighbourhoods. Also, some very wealthy brats are horrendous. I'd like to consider a reason, rather than typical low brow establishment - blame and punishment.
Yeah, I know, they could get in food shopping for old folks in this weather.....But the adult media, created by some of US on the big money gravy trail, have told them that all that stuff is uncool and a waste of space. So GK, we have a few of our own peers to blame, as well as generations of unemployed families.
I think We'd better end this thread here, I'm sorry I brought in that dimension.
End of.
There are plenty of good kids out there, they remain unnoticed because they're not hanging around parks and street corners drinking Strongbow. My daughter goes to Sunday School, the class is packed with polite, friendly, decent kids. They'll be the ones quietly running the country in years to come.
I believe the children are our are future, teach them well and let them lead the way, show them all the beauty they possess inside.... err, hold on.....