Quaffers' Offers

Oyster Bay wth?!?!?!
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Author:  Shezza [ Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Oyster Bay wth?!?!?!

What is this ? Label says MSB, my mouth tells me dishwater
Fortunately I didn't have to drink this but was with a friend who was drinking it in Friday night, who having tried some of my Giesen Brothers said how superior my wine was to his
Having sampled it he was not wrong!
As one of the referees for my free Waipara case, I had given him a bottle that night that he was able to use to clean his palate with

Perhaps it was moody/stored badly but it didn't even have typical MSB flavour profile. It was more like a VERY cheap Chilean SB
If that is how it normally tastes, how on earth do they manage to continue selling
I just hope he didn't pay "full" price for it

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