Quaffers' Offers

Morellino di Scansano 2011, Poggioargentiera Majestic
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Author:  Duncan [ Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Morellino di Scansano 2011, Poggioargentiera Majestic

Reviewed by Mel
£11.99 Buy 2 save £6 = £8.99

Fabulous label. A touch of violet on the nose. It’s rustic, farmyardy and I do like it except there’s just a hint of fizz, which is never acceptable on a red wine. Am taking a picture because the label’s so lovely. The fizz removed its star.

I had 2 of these from a tip-off from our Asst manager at Majestic. I was looking for something rustic and particularly old Italy (elegant Milan was not required), and learning a new one. I'd had these on the rack since August 2012 - Eating Italian out on the patio just did not happen in England last August !

I cracked one in December, the wine is just as Mel has TN'd, yet on my bottle, there was no spritz fizz. I consumed the wine a week before I noticed the article. The wine is quite soft, yet there is enough acidity. It is a full style, purple hue, lots of fruit, lots of matter in the body of the wine, and violets on the nose - the nose is old country Italy :wink: Good mouth feel as no spritz on my bottle. Rustic farm, but not too animal, honest Italian - excellent with many pasta tomato parmesan type dishes
Nice wine for the discounted price, great label on the patio table

Good stuff - note, not dry - medium scale (2-3)

The label pic is huge:- http://www.quaffersoffers.co.uk/FCKfile ... -00699.jpg

Author:  MedocMad [ Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morellino di Scansano 2011, Poggioargentiera Majestic

Dunc, sorry to say I am leaving this forum. I have enjoyed your knowledge and passion for wine.
I have no choice but to leave, wishing you a healthy life and may your wines be enjoyable and fun.

Author:  Shezza [ Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morellino di Scansano 2011, Poggioargentiera Majestic

Are you being serious Rich?
Surely by now you know to ignore anything Goose says that isn't a SB tasting note?!

Has got very quiet here as of late. My lack of posting due to new job taking up a lot of my time and preventing me from drinking and buying any wine, let alone posting about it
Will be a shame to see you go mate, especially if it's because you've taken offence from a small niggling comment from our resident SB fan

Author:  Duncan [ Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morellino di Scansano 2011, Poggioargentiera Majestic

Rich, what can I say ? A bad day at the office ?

I have edited again, after trying to lighten things-up with a youtube gag. now deleted, as not wine related.

When you discover a beautiful Rhone rouge or Claret, please drop by here with a note.

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