Quaffers' Offers

Aldi CNdP 2006 7.99 Vicomte de Lignac
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Author:  andyc [ Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Aldi CNdP 2006 7.99 Vicomte de Lignac

Aldi are doing this CNdP at 7.99, which is pretty cheap IMHO for this type of wine. Like the Tesco (Caves St Pierre), this is also the 2006 vintage, so very young. It is a good clean wine, with red fruit and spice, and a peppery finish. Had a bottle with roast rib of beef yesterday, and it went down very nicely.
It is produced by the Caves du Fournalet and is 14%, which seems to be the norm nowadays. At his price level, it is competing with CdR and cheap Gigondas, so would seem to be an absolute steal, for a wine with arguably more complexity.

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