Quaffers' Offers

Waimea Est P Gris '09 Nelson - Maj 10.99 / 8.79
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Author:  Bacchus [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Waimea Est P Gris '09 Nelson - Maj 10.99 / 8.79

A very powerful presentation of this grape. Very dark fruit (date/figs) accompanied by a "side" of pear drops. This lasts only a moment and is followed by a long dry aftertaste. Very carefully made, this is a new and pleasantly different facet of one of my favourites.

Author:  Bacchus [ Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waimea Est P Gris '09 Nelson - Maj 10.99 / 8.79

Just started my second influx of these. Off dry, spicy, fully alcoholic at 14 and (dare I say) hinting at Colmarville.
Come on you sloths, get, try, post...or else !

Author:  Bacchus [ Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waimea Est P Gris '09 Nelson - Maj 10.99 / 8.79

'09 still up for it...love this (but it doesn't like cold). Might even keep a while.

Author:  Duncan [ Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waimea Est P Gris '09 Nelson - Maj 10.99 / 8.79

Bacchus wrote:
'09 still up for it...love this (but it doesn't like cold). Might even keep a while.

I have heard nothing but good reports for these Pinot Gris wines from a good producer on the right sort of soil and in the suitable Nelson climate.

Further, I'd risk a little bottle age as well - supp-as-you-go, Wait, then try another 4 months down the line.

Presumably, you have found the wine to be deeper in flavour since January. Good test so far. My Maj manager was suggesting I take a few - and he knows me well.

Author:  meljones [ Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waimea Est P Gris '09 Nelson - Maj 10.99 / 8.79

Can I counter it with this.

From Maj

Mount Difficulty Pinot Gris 2010, Central Otago £17.49 20% off New Zealand wines* £13.99
ABV: 14.5% Screwcap
Clean, fresh and green nose. Off-dry and quite full-flavoured. Not suitable for Pinot Grigio lovers, ie pretty good.

Author:  Duncan [ Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Waimea Est P Gris '09 Nelson - Maj 10.99 / 8.79

meljones wrote:
Can I counter it with this. From Maj

Mount Difficulty Pinot Gris 2010, Central Otago £17.49 20% off New Zealand wines* £13.99 ABV: 14.5% Screwcap
Clean, fresh and green nose. Off-dry and quite full-flavoured. Not suitable for Pinot Grigio lovers, ie pretty good.

You may.

I'm glad you did. Mark @ Maj has not said where the bench mark of performance for these NZ pinot gris's is to be found. I would need to sample the top doggie QPR (quality to price ratio) to know.

Central Otago should in "theory" produce a more minerally European style in riper years.

Mel, thanks for adding extra info / value to this thread. Cheers.

Author:  Bacchus [ Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waimea Est P Gris '09 Nelson - Maj 10.99 / 8.79

The Difficulty ie 60% more expensive which looms large in the QPR factor.

Addendum...W now £9.50 so now only 45% increase.

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